You can learn a lot from this copywriter

The Swish native learn copywriting in the USA, then came to Germany and dominat the markets in which he became active with his skills. In 1986, he sold his five companies to Ernst Klett Verlag and then settl down in Florida. Since 1991, he has present the famous Axel Andersson Awards, which were given to all advertising mailings that were unbeaten for three years or more. So don’t let the title (and the price) put you off.

Here is his book:

More money and more success with direct marketing, advertising letters, mailings and direct response ads   3) On lebanon email list Advertising – David Ogilvy (buy here) best marketing books ogilvy on advertising The book is not directly about copywriting, but about marketing and advertising. (That’s why you’ll find it on my list of the best marketing books .) And as a copywriter, you ne to understand the basics of marketing.

When people buy

And when not. What effect do certain images and texts have on sales? In this classic, David Ogilvy also reveals how you can win clients (as a copywriter or marketing agency), how you can find a job, or even how you can research so well that you can beat your competition. One of the standard works. Thanks to Klarsicht-Verlag (I met the publisher at a dinner) now also available in German: About Advertising   4) Breakthrough why and who nes time management? Advertising – Eugene Schwartz ( buy here ) Probably the most expensive copywriting book of all time So if there is a classic in the aob directory copywriting market, it is Eugene Schwartz’s “little black dress”: Breakthrough Advertising . For a time it was one of the most stolen books in American libraries. Today, profit-hungry dealers sell us copies on Amazon for up to 500 euros. Don’t let yourself be ripp off. You can read the book – for less than 500 euros. You can buy it in English here (Brian Kurtz has secur the rights and republish the book). Rumours say that the book will soon be publish in German (I am in contact with the publisher).

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