This allows the models generat from this metamodel to be stor in XMI format, which can be consider as an input model to later implement the necessary transformations and convert the defin models to design models (for example, class diagrams) and then code.
In order to support our approach
A plugin was develop using GMF (Graphical Modeling Framework). This plugin allows to model the different elements for data quality management through use case diagrams and activity diagrams.
The plugin was develop to provide a suitable work environment belize phone number library that, among other things, allows to create modeling diagrams with the defin elements. On the right side of the tool (see Figure 3), you can see a special “toolbox” with the elements defin in the “DQ_WebRE” metamodel.
The illustrative example describes a typical business
Process of a Web application, which allows booking and paying expert in reputational risks and personal branding for tickets for concerts and events. In this example, an analyst could model the corresponding use case “Make a reservation for tickets” using the elements of the metamodel (see Figure 3). In this diagram, the analyst includes the use case “Make a reservation and pay for tickets” (of type InformationCase), which can be relat to the specific DQ australia aatabase airectory requirements (Ensure Confidentiality of data, Guarantee Accuracy of data with respect to format, Verify Completeness of enter data and Confirm Cribility of data), thus indicating that the data manag by this type of use case must meet these DQ requirements, which should be implement in the subsequent stages of design and programming of the Web application.