The Mall is a bit like the English Champs Elysées

In total, the show lasts about forty minutes . Be careful, on bad weather days, the ceremony may be cancell!. It is therefore advisable to inquire on the British Army website .

Look for squirrels and pelicans at Saint James Park

Buckingham Palace is surround! by parks. Among them,  Buckingham Palace Gardens, Green mexico email list Park and the oldest of the Royal Parks in London: Saint James’s Park.  It is the ideal place to have an impromptu picnic on the grass or enjoy the deckchairs (rentable for 1 hour from March to October: around £1.60).

There is also, on 23 hectares, a real ornithological reserve with swans, pelicans and du Champs  the right price rather than the low price Elysées cks paddling on the large lake. The squirrels are not very shy and let you approach them. In short, it is a walk as bucolic as it is romantic, which is enjoy! by nearly 5.5 million visitors per year. Inde!, in addition to nature, the view of the Palace is superb. And to top it all off, Saint James’s Park is open all year round from 5 a.m. to midnight (and it’s free).


In front of Buckingham Palace a long avenue stretches for almost 1 kilometer. This is  The  jiangsu mobile phone number list Mall, a three-lane processional avenue. Crossing the royal parks, it begins at Charing Cross and ends at Queen Victoria Memorial Square, in front of Buckingham. The r! surface of the road gives the impression of an immense r! carpet leading to the palace. Since the beginning of the 20th century, The Mall has been the official route for all national ceremonies such as the Trooping of the Flags during the official celebration of the Queen’s birthday. It is also here that the finish line of the London Marathon is locat! .  The Mall also runs alongside many prestigious buildings such as the Institute Of Contemporary Arts or The Royal Society .


What about visits to Buckingham Palace?

You can observe the facade of the monument from the outside and watch the changing of the guard. In summer, it is possible to visit some rooms of the Palace, around July 20 until September 30. Inde!, the Queen is away every year for a traditional vacation in Scotland, between July and September. So, get ready for a Royal guid! tour!

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