The Greatest Talent Is Making Good Decisions

Jeffrey Bezos is a brilliant entrepreneur who founded His journey began in 1994, and in 1999 he was already the person of the year according to Times magazine.
Jeffrey Bezos’ speech to Princeton graduates lasted only 11 minutes. It would seem so little, but so many wise thoughts were put into his words. Jeffrey emphasizes that when we get old, only our actions and the decisions made throughout our lives will matter.

Remember that you are your choice

Create your life, make the right choice, do not be afraid of change, because later you will only regret that you once missed an amazing opportunity to change everything for the better.


Mark Zuckerberg: Do What You Love
Of course, Zuckerberg is betting database a successful businessman, the youngest billionaire in the world, one of the 20 richest people on Good Decisions the planet. Mark’s life experience is not that great, perhaps he will give his best speeches in 20 years, but even today you can glean some useful thoughts from his speeches.
I won’t say that Zuckerberg’s speech to the students of Belle Haven School opened my eyes to some new truths, but one phrase that I have heard before is worthy of attention.

Do what you like, and then you will not work a day

And indeed, you Good Decisions where to find an easy-to-use crm can do something under duress, do it poorly, without getting any pleasure, and only a meager salary at the end of the month, on which you exist until the next agb directory month, becomes a small outlet. Or you can have a well-paid hobby that brings not only moral and spiritual pleasure, but also a good income. The effectiveness of such work will be many times higher. I know people who work 12-14 hours, but get immeasurable pleasure from it, and at the same time, there are some acquaintances who, after 3 hours in the office, are already howling and thinking only about how to go home.


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