Easily manage a contact’s email flows

If you’re a heavy user of Salesflare’s email workflows, you’ll appreciate this latest product update.

Not only have we made it possible to add contacts to workflows by selecting them instead of filtering them, but we’ve also made it easier to view and manage the email workflows a contact receives.

Add individual contacts to email workflows

Want to add new leads from LinkedIn their workflows to an malaysia whatsapp number data email workflow using Salesflare’s LinkedIn Chrome extension?

Today it’s even easier.

Just click to create the account contact, find their business email address… and click to add the contact directly to an email stream.

Give it a try if you want to prospect like a pro!

We’ve also made it possible to add individual contacts from the workflow itself. While previously you could only filter their workflows the audience of a workflow, you can now send it to selected contacts as well.

While filtering remains the most effective way to define and automate recipients in your workflow, selection can be a useful alternative when sending messages to more restricted audiences.

Easily manage a contact’s email flows

If you wanted to check which build an email campaign calendar email workflows a contact is participating in and/or take them out of a workflow, you previously had to do this from Workflow Analytics.

This is no longer the only way to do it!

We’ve added a “Workflows” section mobile list on each contact’s profile, which allows you to see what workflows a contact is receiving or has receive their workflows so far. And if you want to leave a contact from a specific workflow, we’ve added a button there.

This makes it much easier to manage email flows by contact.

Many other improvements and bug fixes

We’ve fixed bugs you reported, improved performance in a few places, tweaked app flows, and more. As always, keep your their workflows feedback coming via the live chat on our homepage – we love it!

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