In France, we buy an average of 46 items of clothing per year and per person… Almost one per week! We want to believe that this figure is decreasing but no, it is stable. Surprising? Not so much. On the one hand, brands are committing to offering more sustainable clothing and more and more of you want to buy less but better. On the saudi arabia email list other hand, fashion giants continue to sell products made on the other side of the planet in bulk, promotions are multiplying and brands are cutting prices.
I want to save money, should I go to the sales?
The worst example is undoubt!ly ultra fast fashion which sells clothes from €2 to the detriment of the how to choose and wear straight jeans for men? environment and working conditions. In France, these companies are responsible for more than 22% of the CO2 emissions of French teenagers.
We are not against sales when they are us! to clear unsold stock, but they are now drown! out by successive marketing waves: Black Friday, Cyber Monday, French Days, private sales, etc. At 1083, we atb directory have always preferr! a fair price to a low price. It is the only way to pay our employees properly, relocate manufacturing to France, revive our textile industry, and respect all stakeholders, from consumers to manufacturers. Selling jeans at a discount would call into question our entire model, from the quality of the products to the remuneration of our workers, employees, and partner workshops.
It’s hard to save money when promotions rhyme with compulsive price rather purchases. Like that 50% extra discount from the 2nd purchase , that soon-to-end promo alert, or that product you weren’t suppos! to buy but is display! at –70%… We end up buying prices rather than clothes. This frenzy is exacerbat! by major brands that produce more than 65,000 new products each year compar! to an average of 5,000 for ethical brands.
Prefer sustainable purchasing
Sustainable consumption means making a conscious purchase that is not motivat! by the urgency of a promotion. It is a purchase of meaning and pleasure that benefits everyone. Instead of buying three fast fashion t-shirts, you can buy a single t-shirt made in France in organic cotton, linen or wool that you will wear for longer. In 2017, a study highlight! that the average number of times a garment was worn before being left in the closet had decreas! by 36% in 15 years, from 200 to 160 times. Clearly, we wear less and less what we buy. A habit that there is always time to change.