As difficult as it is to get a client, it is to keep them in your client portfolio for a long period of time. Just like in a marriage, the relationship wears out and you have to work and reinvent things to maintain harmony and harmony. There are many cases in which the marriage is a joy, but in the end it ends in separation and legal disputes… I am referring to the relationship between companies… lol. That is why I decided to write a post with some tips on what can be done to keep the “good neighbor policy” always in force.
1 – Offer complete solutions
The process of hiring a supplier is not easy. It is because of this difficulty that many companies prefer to have a single supplier to serve them within a broader scope finland phone number list rather than hiring a specialist to meet each demand. In this sense, I believe that offering a wider range of services and products can make your client maintain a contract with you for a longer period of time. However, this choice to offer a wider range of services depends on the strategy chosen by the agency. There are agencies that are super specialists and are therefore hired and can charge higher prices because of this, but they usually work with closed projects and, normally, do not offer monthly services.
igned or documented all these steps and what happens if each one goes wrong?
Have you measured the time it takes for each step?
Do you know what the knots in the process are and how to undo them?
Is there a device that raises an alert if there is a delay in any of the steps?
All of this will help you set more realistic europe vell phone number material deadlines and let the customer know when they will receive what they have contracted. This gives both parties peace of mind and helps to maintain a healthy company/supplier relationship.
Do you use any production methodology?
3 – Clear contract
A contract is not a “necessary evil” nor is it just “obligatory bureaucracy”. A contract is the conclusion of an agreement, the documentation of the terms and matters discussed andorra business directory before starting work. It is the list of guarantees that will generate confidence on both sides that the agreement will work without unpleasant surprises. And, as I always say, people only buy if they trust.
Your contract should spark your client’s interest in reading it. It should be simple, straightforward, well-written and, if possible, illustrated. I’ve seen companies record videos explaining each part of the contract. This conveys trust and professionalism.
The other function of the contract is to guide discussions not by the emotional field but by the rational one. Possible situations must be foreseen in the text, as well as the way to resolve possible disagreements. If everyone knows the rules, it will be possible to play the game. If someone commits a foul, they will already know that they may receive a yellow card. The contract prevents the red card!
4 – Good communication
In a relationship, conversation is extremely important. Telling everything that is happening is the key to leaving no room for doubt and misunderstandings. Misunderstandings can end a relationship. When things are not clear, it gives way to imagination. And believe me, a client’s imagination in unpleasant situations can go a looooong way. Therefore, always tell the truth, anticipate and clarify situations, and leave no room for suspicion. This will certainly help save the “marriage”.
5 – Demonstrate advantages
Our clients hire us because they don’t know how to do what we do (and yet some try!!!), that is, they are laymen in the subject and may have no idea what goes on behind the scenes of our work. Often, this gives them the impression that it is easy and even a very low perception of value. This causes them to say things like: “All this in a logo? In a drawing?”, “All this to write a short text?”, “Let me watch a video on YouTube and do it myself!”
One of the causes of divorce is the low perception of value in what is being paid for by the employee. In other words, it is when the employee believes that he is paying more than he is receiving. We can work on and nullify this perception when we show more of what we do and the benefits that our service brings.