3 Marketing Tips for Law Firms

Independent lawyers and law firm owners often have many questions when it comes to advertising. This is because the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) has its own code of ethics that determines how advertising strategies can be part of the day-to-day practice of law.

The issue is that the expansion of the internet has made it mandatory for companies in any segment to appear in Google search results. The famous phrase “out of sight, out of mind” fits very well in this context.

By closely monitoring changes in the digital world and the population’s behavior, the OAB’s Code of Ethics and Discipline (CED), from 1995, was updated in 2015.

Since then, law firms have started to create a different relationship with technology, using it to improve their relationship with the market and with clients.

Marketing Tips for Law Firms

By strictly following the CED’s determinations, it is possible for legal professionals to use different digital marketing strategies to work on brother cell phone list content with their clients and audiences interested in understanding a little more about this universe of articles and laws.

For law firms that want to understand how to work with digital marketing strategies without violating the OAB Code of Ethics and Discipline, below are three important paths:

SEO – Search Engine Optimization

This strategy will help your website name examples and analysis  achieve relevant positions in Google results. For this to happen, it is necessary to perform the so-called optimization, that is, to meet some of the search engine’s quality requirements and criteria so that it highlights the content developed.

Some of the actions that help pages appear in Google results are the use of keywords, images that are relevant to the subject matter and a URL free of numbers or special characters.

And among the content that the law firm can create are blog articles. This channel will help the company gain authority and relevance, in addition to informing the public and clarifying the most common doubts.

READ MORE: What can an SEO specialist do for your business?

Social media

If your firm is not registered on any social media, it is important to consider this. Law firms, independent lawyers and law firms can post content in images and videos on social media to attract and engage a quality audience.

The secret to getting good results on mobile list media is knowing how to build a relationship with the user. To do this, it is important to respond to messages in the comments and privately and monitor metrics to understand the content that meets the audience’s expectations.

In addition to posting spontaneously, the office can boost content, that is, invest a certain amount so that it reaches the timelines of a specific audience.

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