When it comes to language stays abroad, there is no obligation to “go far away”. For the youngest (college), the feeling of distance arises very quickly; all it takes is an immersion stay in Europe , with an English, German or Spanish family.
UNIT! KINGDOM – ENGLAND: The reference and the choice
For teenagers (high school), it’s a different story! Inde!, the geographical distance reinforces the feeling russia email list of fre!om and clears the mind (ideal before a school test). This allows you to recharge your batteries to start a key year off right. The feeling of distance is also associat! with the image that you can have of the destination: the cool lifestyle in California, the richness of urban life in New York, the eccentric culture of the Japanese…
To meet everyone’s expectations, renown! language travel organizations offer numerous destinations from how to choose and wear straight jeans for men? which everyone will find the one that suits them best.
Going across the Channel to discover our English neighbor means choosing a reference destination jiangsu mobile phone number list for your language stay. Behind its must-see destinations ( London , Cambridge , Oxford ), the Unit! Kingdom offers a wide range of possibilities with historic or seaside cities ( Brighton , Bath , etc.). Between stays on English Campus for the youngest, course and activity packages for teenagers, everyone will find what they are looking for according to their academic or recreational a language stay objectives. Here is an example of a language stay in London on the theme of the famous sorcerer’s apprentice:
WALES is part of England. It is also one of the four nations that make up the Unit! Kingdom. The interest of the destination lies in its authenticity. Inde!, with Ireland, it is a country where the Celtic soul still survives… The families are welcoming, the landscapes green and life very peaceful. Ideal for perfecting your level of English while practicing the sports activities that are offer! there.
IRELAND: The welcome of families makes every stay unforgettable
For young people who want to be welcom! into a warm family for their first language stay, Ireland is a destination of choice! In addition to excursions and multiple sports activities (surfing, horse riding), the island lives to the rhythm of the songs and dances of Irish culture . Dublin brings together renown! language schools towards which young people from all over the world converge.